1. Definition of Possession
to Bentham: To define possession is to recall the image which present itself to
the mind when it is necessary to decide between two parties, which is in
possession of a thing and which is not. But if this image is different with
different me; if many do not form any image; or if they form a different one on
different occasions, how shall a definition be found to fix an image so
uncertain and variable. Defining the concept of possession in law is like
defining the geometric conception of roundness. Absolute roundness cannot be
define and is nowhere to be found.
2. Ownership
denotes “the relation between a person and any right that is vested in him”.
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3. Difference between possession and ownership
to Austin, ownership in its wider sense is a right “indefinite in point of
user, unrestricted in point of disposition and unlimited in point of duration”.
The right of alienation of property is a necessary incident to the right of
ownership, but there are many restrictions with regard to the alienation of
property today.
to Pollock: “Ownership may be described as the entirety of the powers of use
and disposal allowed by law. The owner of a thing is not necessarily the person
who at a given time has the whole power of use and disposal: very often, there
is no such person. We must look for the person having the residue of all such
power when we have accounted for every detached and limited portion of it, and
be will be the owner even if the immediate power or control and user is
to Salmond, possession “is in fact what ownership is in right. Possession is
the de facto exercise of a claim; ownership is the dejure recognition of one. A
thing is owned by me when my claim to it is maintained by the will of the state
as expressed in the law; it is possessed by me when my claim to it is
maintained by my own self-assertive will.
Ownership is the guarantee of the law, possession is the guarantee of
the facts.”
c. Possession, is the de facto counterpart of ownership
is the de facto counterpart of ownership. It is the external form in which
rightful claims normally manifest themselves. The separation of these two
things is an exceptional incident, due to accident, wrong or the special nature
of the claims in question.
Possession without ownership is the body of fact
without ownership is the body of fact, uninformed by the spirit of right which
usually accompanies it. Ownership without possession is right, unaccompanied by
that environment of fact in which it normally realizes itself.
Possession endeavours to justify itself as ownership
strives to realize itself in possession and possession endeavours to justify
itself as ownership.
Mode of acquisition
and ownership differ in their mode of acquisition. The transfer of possession
is comparatively easier and less technical, but the transfer of ownership in
most cases involves a technical process of convincing.
distinction between possession and ownership on the basis of fact and right is
not tenable. Fact and right are not quite separate and independent ideas. One
cannot exist without the other.
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