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    Monday, 14 December 2015

    Important Questions Labour Law

    1. What are the power and duties of a labour court and how it is constituted?
    2. Define workmen and explain its different kinds?
    3. What is meant by unfair Labour practice? Explain the penalties for unfair Labour practice?
    4. What is meant by illegal strike and lock out? Discuss procedure in case of both?
    5. What are the rights and duties on employees and workmen?
    6. Write a Short Note on
                          a. Trade Union                                         b. Go Slow
                          c. Collective bargaining agent               d. Industrial establishment
                          e. Industrial dispute                                f. Unfair Labour practice
                          g. National Industrial Relation commission
                          h. Settlement                                            I. Shift working
                           j. Arbitration
    7. What are the industrial disputes and explain methods of their settlement?
    8. Explain termination of employee, charge sheet its formation and proceeding?
    9. What is the purpose of enactment of industrial relation ordinance 2002 and its scope?
    10. What is dismissal? Briefly explain the procedure led down in the standing order ordinance 1968?
    11. What is trade Union? How it is registered who may cancel of trade union under what circumstances?
    12. Explain in detail the concept of collective bargaining agent?
    13. Brief the compulsory group insurance payment of bonus?
    14. Define workmen commissioner and what are his powers and procedures?

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